Dr. J. Retnakumar, founder of Bhavalaya, is an art lover. His passion for art and culture arises from his inborn yearning to create and support artistic endeavours.
Recognising the critical global challenges of the 21st century, the lack of a common platform to unite, the requirement of the mobilisation and cross-fertilisation of artisan and practitioners in the fields of the arts both nationally and internationally, germinated the seeds of Bhavalaya.
The forum will comprise experienced and renowned team of senior artists and creators who will accelerate the process of creation and glory
Bhavalaya intends to serve the international arts community by promoting and documenting work at the intersection of the arts and creativity and by encouraging and stimulating collaboration between artists of varying culture and heritage.
To create a universal platform for artists of all origin, nature and culture Bhavalaya is a cultural mirror of the art it serves. The institution will offer a diverse platform reflective of our changing society and then celebrate that diversity through performance and exhibition.
Bhavalaya’s manifesto include linking the talents from all over India and also across the borders. Bhavalaya will provide diverse platform reflective of rich culture and heritage, without diluting its purity. Bhavalaya is in the process of initiating collaboration between artists of varying culture and heritage and then take it to various parts of the world, through its Chapters in various countries.
Kathakali meaning " Story and Play" is traditional dance form of Kerala. It is very old dance form having its roots in Hindu Mythology in 17th century. It is a combination of Dance, literature, music and painting. Kathakali has very attractive and unique costume and mask. The dancers wear elaborate masks while performing. Kathakali is very narrative and long. It is a combination of dance and drama which brings the myth and legend to life in the temple courtyards of Kerala. The performers wear very beautiful and colorful costumes and accompanied by percussions, vocals and other instruments. The make-up